Monday, February 23, 2009

A terrible horrible no good very bad morning

This morning sucked. There it is...I said it in print. No sugar coating, no euphemisms. It just sucked. I was still tired from C3. Trena was running late for a breakfast meeting. One of the dogs decided to poop in the house. Then Megan spilled her cereal all over the table, chairs and floor. As soon as I had that cleaned up Lauren dropped her whole cup of milk. It splashed all over the floor, walls, table and chairs I had just cleaned. I lost it...I yelled angrily at both of them. They cried. Duh! I would have cried, too, if my dad yelled at me like that. Actually he did yell at me like that sometimes and I did cry. But that's not the point. The point is this morning sucked.

So after apologizing to my wife, children and dogs for being a tyrant I re-started my morning. It was more of an external attempt to patch up the damage I had wrought earlier. I really wasn't feeling it, but I was trying to portray it. After I dropped the girls off at school I drove to work. It was one of those drives that when you arrive at your destination you aren't even sure how you got there. Oh well. I got there.

I was reaching across the front seat for my day planner when I saw the cd. Tricia had burned it for me over a week ago. She brought it over one night with some cookies and a picture of me and Jimmy on a fishing trip with some other friends. It was a collection of some of Jimmy's favorite songs. Since I was off to a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad start to my day I decided to pop it in and see if it changed my mood. It did.

The first 3 songs are all Fresh Prince tunes, "Summer Time", "Switch", and "Gettin Jiggy Wid It". By the time "Jiggy" came on I was laughing hysterically. I was imagining Jimmy listening to his music on his way to work. How he could listen to rap music like that and be such a good guy I'll never know. I've always believed in the "garbage in, garbage out" theory. But he blew that right out of the water.

I won't listen every day, but an occasional dose of Fresh Prince, Fiddy Cent, P-Diddy, and R. Kelly might just be a good thing! It sure was this morning. Jimmy, I miss you buddy.


  1. I can't hear "Summertime" without thinking of Jimmy in his cobalt blue Amigo. He was so proud of that silly car. He would put the top down and jam out to DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. I wonder if the Amigo made it to heaven with him (Lord knows it was on it LAST leg when we got rid of it!). If so, I am sure he is cruising around in it with the top down. "Summertime" is blaring from the speakers that the Lord recovered from whoever stole them out the back of the Amigo. He is flashing his big silly grin and his long ole arm is resting over the steering wheel. I can just picture it all so perfectly.

  2. ha ha this is great Todd. Yes...this was the dirt Jimmy left behind! I put those songs on when I had my long drive back to San Antonio....all I could do was laugh!
