Friday, March 6, 2009

An Open Letter To Jimmy


Well it's been a month since we last talked so I wanted to catch up with you on a few things:

First, THANK YOU if you had anything to do with the Cowboys cutting Terrell Owens...and I suspect you did, even though there is no biblical foundation for that. Great move either way.

The Rangers are in Spring Training and even I'm starting to catch baseball fever. I think I might try to go opening day with some guys...we'll see.

Hey, we're going down to Wayne's farm next week to and Wayne, Ray, Andy, Pace and your dad is going to join us. The bass are moving shallow with the warm weather this week so we should catch a ton. I talked to your dad about it and he said I'll need to help him rig up for bass. No big deal...I can't wait for him to hook up with a big one!

Braxton and Auston are doing fine. Auston is still all smiles and laughs every time I see him. Braxton started tee ball last week. I think Trena and I may take the girls to a game or two. And I'm going to take all the kids to a Ranger's game one day this Spring. A day game while the weather is still nice. I'll eat some nachos and a hot dog for you.

And speaking of it's been dry and warm. The grass is greening up and mowing season is coming fast. The lawn guys scalped my yard today...I know you got yours back in late January. Weeds are popping out like crazy but we're staying on top of them the best we can for you. Steve Drechsler built a website to help organize the guys who want to take care of the yard and house for Tricia. It's cool...Todd Starnes, Jeff Grubb and a bunch of others are waiting on me to get the needs posted so they can go nuts. Jeremy Edmiston even sent out a crew to plant some color this week. I haven't seen it yet but Tricia said it looks great. Don't worry, we'll take care of the yard for her. I know you took alot of pride in making sure it was nice. And we'll teach Braxton and Auston when they are old enough.

You'd be proud of the Spiritual Development staff and Married Life Team. They are taking your classes and running. The Marriage That Lasts class is over next week and it's been awesome. This is seminar weekend and the teachers are in full throttle prep's awesome to see. The HomeTeam Coordinators are off the charts, too. Just like always. I talk to Pelletier, Fowler and Drechsler at least once or twice a week.

I know it sounds like everything is fine...and in a weird way it is. But it's very different. We all miss you. We miss the smile, the encouragement, the leadership, the companionship that you always brought. We will carry those memories forever I suppose...I sure hope so. Your legacy is already strong and I know it will gain strength as we all learn to engage life fully again.

Well, I guess that will get you up to speed on some things. There's always more but, then again you've got the best view in the world so I suppose you might already know all of this. I just wanted to make sure.

I miss you man,


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