Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wild Idiots

Ok, so this has nothing to do with anything God is teaching me through Jimmy's passing. But it is too good to keep to myself. Recently Trena, the girls and I went out to eat. We had barely ordered when Lauren & Megan began aggravating each other and getting loud. I went into Dad mode. You know - stern, deep voice, eyebrows down, eyes narrow, lips pursed. It was "THE LOOK". And with 'the look' came a mini version of "THE LECTURE" in which I told them in no uncertain terms how they were supposed to behave and that I would not tolerate them acting like a couple of wild indians.

Then, in a very fatherly fashion, I asked them to repeat back to me what they had done wrong and what they needed to do instead. Lauren did a passable job of relating what I said back to me. Megan gave me the one-liner of the week. She explained that what they had done wrong is acted like a couple of "wild idiots".

To hear that come from a 5 year old with a perfectly straight face! I lost all composure. Trena laughed out loud. I couldn't even look up for a good 10-15 seconds. Priceless. Once the moment passed I explained myself more clearly and we all had a nice chuckle.

As I reflect on it now, I can see this experience as a great reminder of how many times I have acted like a "WILD IDIOT" and how often God must give me "THE LOOK". Parenting is perhaps the most spiritually charged thing I do each day. I learn more about God, His love, patience, forgiveness, endurance, faithfulness, hope, and heartbreak through my interactions with my kids than perhaps anywhere else in life.

Lord, please forgive my wild idiot moments and help me to see and hear you more clearly so I can more clearly reflect you to my girls...and everyone else you put in my life.


  1. I am right there with you brother!! Being a father is one of the most challenging, frustrating and at the same time, amazing, rewarding roles we as men could ever be given. And as challenging as it is, I wouldn't change it for the world!!

  2. Amen, Todd! I have a "wild idiot" moment at least once a day - and I am constantly amazed at the grace and forgiveness of God. 'Cause I know I sure couldn't put up with me!
